- The user enters the required information: the payment amount and the phone number linked to the EasyPaisa account.
- A push notification with a payment request is sent to the user's phone.
- The user opens the app and confirms the payment.
- Paykassma sends a postback to the merchant's side.
- The funds are credited to the user's balance on the merchant's platform.
Payment window integration (plugin)
Example of a link to open a EasyPaisa API payment window:
https://plugin.{server_URL}/? label =label ¤cy_code =PKR &lang =lang &wallet_type =easypaisa_api &custom_transaction_id =custom_transaction_id &fixed_amount=fixed_amount &payment_url_fail_id=1 |
wallet_type=easypaisa_api currency_code=PKR Languages (lang): en, ur
Pay attention to the description of the parameters payment_url_success_id / payment_url_fail_id/ payment_url_pending_id and success_url / fail_url / pending_url.
To use payment_url_success_id / payment_url_fail_id / payment_url_pending_id you need to send the URLs to Paykassma support and use the received IDs in the parameters.
To use success_url / fail_url / pending_url you must use hashing URLs ( For more details on hashing click here ).
For the description of all the plugin parameters click here.
API integration
Creating payment
URL: http://api.{server_URL}/api/v1/payment/create/easypaisa_api?secret={pluginapi_secret}
Request method:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
secret | string | yes | Access key. |
Name | Type | Required | Max Length | Description |
amount | float | yes | min and max are limited by deposit | Payment amount. |
currency | string | yes | 3 | Currency code. |
label | string | yes | 190 | This is the unique identifier (ID) of the user making the payment. |
custom_transaction_id | string | yes | 190 | Transaction ID in the Client's system. |
phone_number | string | yes | 11 | The user's phone number. This phone number must be linked to the user's account in Easypaisa_api. Input format: 03xxxxxxxxx, where x is a digit. The length of the entire string including "03" → 11 digits. |
{ "amount": 2000, "currency": "PKR", "label": "232323", "custom_transaction_id": "test_trx_01", "phone_number": "03123456789" }
{ "status": "success", "message": "", "code": 20000, "data": { "order_id": "4127afd69732325c" }, "paginate": { "offset": 0, "total": 1, "limit": 1 } }
{ "status": "fail", "message": "MESSAGE" }
After a successful request to create a payment, the user must confirm the payment on their mobile device.
The user is given 1 minute to confirm the payment.
To avoid multiple requests from the same user or from different accounts from the same wallet, Paykassma will refuse to create an order if the number of unsuccessful attempts by the user in the last 24 hours has reached or exceeded 2. In this case, the user should receive the appropriate error ("Too many requests. Please try again later."), which will help prevent abuse of the system and spam of individual users with multiple payment attempts.
Checking the payment status (optional request)
URL: http://api.{server_URL}/api/v1/payment/easypaisa_api/status?secret={pluginapi_secret}
Request method:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
secret | string | yes | Access key |
Name | Type | Required | Max Length | Description |
order_id | string | yes | не ограничен | The order number received in response to the request to create a payment in the "order_id" parameter. |
{ "order_id": "4127afd69732325c" }
{ "status": "success", "message": "", "code": 20000, "data": { "status": "success" }, "paginate": { "offset": 0, "total": 1, "limit": 1 } }
{ "status": "success", "message": "", "code": 20000, "data": { "status": "wait" }, "paginate": { "offset": 0, "total": 1, "limit": 1 } }
{ "status": "success", "message": "", "code": 20000, "data": { "status": "fail" }, "paginate": { "offset": 0, "total": 1, "limit": 1 } }
{ "status": "fail", "message": { "order_id": [ "The selected order id is invalid." ] } }
Deposit postback
For the general documentation on post backs click here.
Example of a postback for a EasyPaisa API deposit:
{ "signature": "23ceb452dc398b5f8b0e7ab9eb91236c7ee50911", "wallet_type": "easypaisa_api", "amount": 1000, "currency_code": "PKR", "label": "7848747947846", "converted_amount": {"USD":3.6,"INR":301, ... , "USDT":3.59692418,"USDTTRC20":0,"USDT20":0}, "direction": "ingoing", "created_datetime": "2023-08-01 13:37:42", "access_key": "uowkn0b3LfBxpcWYHi4_", "additional_data": [ { "activated_datetime": "2024-05-13 13:05:38", "exchanger_identifier": 03xxxxx0957, "comment": "", "amount": "1000", "currency_code": "PKR", "wallet_type": "easypaisa_api", "stockpiling_id": 2005, "transaction_id": "28064319767", "transaction_type": 1, "plugin_custom_order_id": "1234", "withdrawal_id": null, "withdrawal_status": null, "account_number": "", "account_name": "", "account_email": "", "bank_details": { "bank_code": "", "branch_code": "" } } ] }
The Paykassma server is waiting for a response in json {"status":"ok"} response code 200, otherwise, when receiving a different response, Paykassma will forward the postback with a certain frequency.
Repeated postbacks must also be answered with {"status":"ok"} response code 200.
Withdrawals for users
Payments to users are made by using EasyPaisa method (for more details on EasyPaisa method click here).