Example of a link to open a Ipay payment window:
https://plugin.{server_URL}/? label =label ¤cy_code =LKR &lang =en &wallet_type =ipay &custom_transaction_id =custom_transaction_id &fixed_amount=fixed_amount &payment_url_fail_id=1 |
wallet_type=bkash_api currency_code=BDT Доступные языки (lang): en, si |
Pay attention to the description of the parameters payment_url_success_id / payment_url_fail_id/ payment_url_pending_id and success_url / fail_url / pending_url. |
For the description of all the plug-in parameters click here.
URL: https://api.{server_URL}/api/v1/transaction/create/ipay?secret={pluginapi_secret}
At this stage, we provide the details of the wallet to which the user must make a payment.
Request method:
Name | Type | Required | Max Length | Description |
currency | string | yes | 3 | Currency code. |
label | string | yes | 190 | The unique identifier (ID) of the user who makes the payment. |
{ "currency": "LKR", "label": "eligendi" } |
{ 'status': 'ok', 'params': { 'identifier': '6234234234' } } |
{ 'status': 'fail', 'message': 'MESSAGE' } |
URL: http://api.{server_URL}/api/v1/transaction/activate?secret={pluginapi_secret}
At this stage, the user transmits the transaction number, which you forward to the Paykassma side for activation.
Request method:
Name | Type | Required | Max Length | Description |
currency_code | string | yes | 3 | LKR |
wallet_type | string | yes | 190 | Method: Ipay. |
label | string | yes | 190 | The unique identifier (ID) of the user who makes the payment. |
key1 | string | yes | 190 | Transaction ID received from the user (8 digits). |
amount | int | yes | 256 | Amount of payment. |
custom_transaction_id | string | yes | 190 | Transaction ID in the Client's system. Must be unique. |
{ "currency_code": "LKR", "label": "786442", "wallet_type": "ipay", "key1": "23936785", "amount": 1000, "custom_transaction_id": "3158538" } |
{ "status": "ok", "deposit": true, "deposit_amount": 100, "currency": { "code": "LKR", "symbol": "LKR" } } |
{ "status": "pending", "message": "The deposit status check has been started. The operation may take longer than expected. Upon completion of the verification, the funds will be credited to your account" } |
{ "status": "possible_transaction_created", "message": "Transaction not found. Possible transaction created" } |
{ 'status': 'fail', 'message': 'MESSAGE' } |
For the general documentation on post backs click here.
{ "signature": "2ad41735cd2d225cb30fe0665e83a3ade8618e0d", "wallet_type": "ipay", "amount": 1000, "currency_code": "LKR", "label": "545932754", "converted_amount": { "USD": 3.44, "INR": 287, "EUR": 3.26, , . . . , "USDTTRC20": 0, "USDT20": 0 }, "direction": "ingoing", "created_datetime": "2023-09-26 19:37:02", "access_key": "TA25Ea9sjPUFJvIG", "additional_data": [ { "activated_datetime": "2023-09-26 22:37:00", "exchanger_identifier": "923139471223", "comment": "", "amount": "1000", "currency_code": "LKR", "wallet_type": "ipay", "stockpiling_id": 4819603, "transaction_id": "23936218009", "transaction_type": 0, "plugin_custom_order_id": "5586199250", "withdrawal_id": null, "withdrawal_status": null, "account_number": "", "account_name": "", "account_email": "", "bank_details": { "bank_code": "", "branch_code": "" } } ] } |
The Paykassma server is waiting for a response in json {"status": "ok"} response code 200, otherwise, when receiving a different response, Paykassma will forward the postback with a certain frequency. |
For the general documentation on the withdrawals of funds click here.
URL: https://api.{server_URL}/v2/withdrawal/create
Request method:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
withdrawal_id | string | yes | Withdrawal ID, if the parameter is not passed, then the system generates withdrawal _id. |
payment_system | string | yes | Payment system. |
amount | int | required | Additional requirements:
currency_code | string | yes | Currency code. |
label | string | yes | The unique identifier (ID) of the user who makes the payment. |
account_number | string | yes | User's Ipay account number. Validation:
account_name | string | yes | The name of the account holder. |
is_test | boolean | yes | The is_test parameter possible values:
signature | string | yes | Signature generated with private_key. |
{ "withdrawal_id": "1234567test565856", "payment_system": "ipay", "amount": 10000, "currency_code": "LKR", "label": "125199", "account_number": "0718448214", "account_name": "Test Name Acc", "is_test": true, "signature": "2e56786153bec935220fa1e9409ab24bd99cf9e8" } |
{ "status": "ok" } |
{ 'status': 'fail', 'message': 'MESSAGE' } |
*If, when trying to create a withdrawal request, the amount of account balances in the currency of the request is less than the total amount of new and still incomplete applications, the error message"Insufficient balance" will be displayed (to configure this functionality, contact the TP Paykassma).
{ "status": "fail", "message": { "withdrawals_sum_amount": [ "Insufficient balance" ] } } |
{ "signature": "c698b4961e4bfd93957c3144647f4a6704960f03", "wallet_type": "ipay", "amount": 10000, "currency_code": "LKR", "label": "125199", "converted_amount": { "USD": 30.63, "INR": 2553, "EUR": 28.07, "IDR": 472521.76, "MYR": 143.14, . . . , "USDT": 30.61996208, "USDTTRC20": 0, "USDT20": 0 }, "direction": "outgoing", "created_datetime": "2023-11-19 21:39:01", "access_key": "icK2pOJnH7wxSZy9jmLslGeo", "additional_data": [ { "activated_datetime": "", "exchanger_identifier": "", "comment": "test", "amount": "10000", "currency_code": "LKR", "wallet_type": "ipay", "stockpiling_id": null, "transaction_id": "", "transaction_type": null, "plugin_custom_order_id": "", "withdrawal_id": "1234567test565856", "withdrawal_status": 5, "account_number": "03405138", "account_name": "Test Name Acc", "account_email": "", "bank_details": { "bank_code": "Bank Of Ceylon", "branch_code": null } } ] } |
The Paykassma server is waiting for a response in json {"status": "ok"} response code 200, otherwise, when receiving a different response, Paykassma will forward the postback with a certain frequency. |
After processing the withdrawal, Paykassma will send a postback about the withdrawal result with status, signed with a signature.
1 | SUCCESS | Status for withdrawal when the withdrawal request has been successfully processed. |
5 | FAIL | Status for withdrawal when the withdrawal request was rejected. |
To create a withdrawal request, you need to go to the Withdrawals page Payments → Withdrawals and perform the following steps